become very sad as a came accross this breaking news on Instagram posted by one of the best blogger in Africa. Things are really going on in the world especially in Africa because our w!¢kness is just too much for a human being to bare with.
How can an old man forcing a 14 years old girl who is his house help to have an affair with her and as the young girl refuses his offer, he beat up and hurt the small girl mercilessly.
In the video sighted online, a full grown man who is believed to be in his 50’s answering questions on what happened in his house. He tried to denied the fact but he was later caught in another set of questions that was thrown to him.
to the news, the young girl who is 14 years old is his house help but not knowing the man is keeping an eye on the little girl.
So oneday he tried his best to capture the little girl in his room and it works for him but how to insert is now the problem because the small girl couldn’t give him the chance and that leads to brutalization.
He beat up the young house help very well and hurt her with wounds and scars on her body. It is very sad when you look at the picture of the young girl.
Kindly Download the video below.